Fri, Sep 20, 2013

Returning multiple fake objects with FakeItEasy

I was recently writing some unit tests where I needed to test that multiple calls to an interface returned different objects.

With FakeItEasy this is easy:

A.CallTo(() => myInterface.GetSomething(1)).Returns(new Something())

All very nice, but now if I have multiple calls to myInterface I have to execute the above statement ‘x’ amount of times:

public void Should_Do_Something()
  var myInterface = A.Fake<IApplication>();
  A.CallTo(() => myInterface.GetSomething(1)).Returns(new Something());
  A.CallTo(() => myInterface.GetSomething(2)).Returns(new Something());
  A.CallTo(() => myInterface.GetSomething(3)).Returns(new Something());
  var result = sut.DoSomething(myInterface);
  Assert.Equal("Super Duper", result);

There is a tidier way to do the above where you can return specific objects and its called ReturnsLazily. Lets take a look at this:

public class Employee
    public string Name { get; set; }

public interface IEmployeeRepository
    Employee GetEmployeeById(int id);

public class App
    private readonly IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository;

    public App(IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository)
        this.employeeRepository = employeeRepository;

    public string GetNamesAsCsv(int[] ids)
        var employees = ids.Select(id => employeeRepository.GetEmployeeById(id).Name);
        return string.Join(",", employees);

public class AppTests
    public void AppReturnsNamesAsCsv()
        var employees = new Dictionary<int, Employee>
            { 1, new Employee { Name = "Moss"} },
            { 2, new Employee { Name = "Roy"} },

        var fakeRepository = A.Fake<IEmployeeRepository>();
        A.CallTo(() => fakeRepository.GetEmployeeById(A<int>.Ignored))
            .ReturnsLazily<Employee, int>(id => employees[id]);

        var app = new App(fakeRepository);

        var result = app.GetNamesAsCsv(employees.Keys.ToArray());

        Assert.Equal("Moss,Roy", result);

We have an Employee object, a IEmployeeRepository which returns an Employee object and an App that returns a CSV. We then want to test this and make sure we get back a CSV from multiple objects.

So we set our fake setup and say that when GetEmployeeById is called we want to return a specific object. Our App class will call GetEmployeeById twice with the id of 1 and 2. This is done by passing in employees.Keys.ToArray() to our GetNamesAsCsv method under test.

When this is called with the id we want to return specific objects .ReturnsLazily<Employee, int>(id => employees[id]);

This says we want to return an Employee and the argument in the repository call is an int. We can then use that to return a specific object based on that id which is where the Dictionary<int, Employee> comes in handy. Based on the key it will return either an Employee called Moss or Roy. Our GetNamesAsCsv will then join Moss & Roy together as a CSV and we can assert that our method works.

Hope that helps someone!

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